Idea & Objectives
Through this strategic transnational partnership, we support innovation in the field of elderly care training in 4 European countries-Romania, Bulgaria, Italy and Spain. This is possible through coop-eration between VET providers and other relevant private/public authorities, including employers interested in this growing field, from 4 mentioned countries, for 18 months.
The partnership involves the production of new intellectual outputs, consisting of:
A common curricula for practice - integrating the specification of occupational standards in the 4 countries and new modules according to new IT technologies and trends
A support pedagogic instrument (an e-book with ISBN code) including a careful selection of case studies, examples, legislation, comparative analysis, best practices of the mentioned topic (profes-sional care of the elderly)
Online Platform
An online platform that represents a collaborative space where partners may create content, exchange ideas, a space to inform the practitioners of all new learning opportunities in social care around Europe etc.
In order to achieve our goals, we organized different types of activities, interrelated:
Short-term joint staff training events with 16-18 participants (5 days, excluding travel days), as it follows: one in each country, in which experts from each of the 5 participating organizations are trained on innovative practices in adult care, through an interdisciplinary perspective (legislation, social assistance, innovative therapies, caregiver training specific approaches etc), with a focus on tools and methods for professionalization and professional development of VET trainers and staff (how to use visuals and videos in training and communication with final beneficiaries, how to cre-ate a case study, how to develop a common curricula/how to support caretakers to energize and activate the elders in order to remain valuable assets of society, how to use ICT tools and devices in elderly care etc); the format of this events combines on-site visits to relevant organization and intensive training course; after the first meeting, a part of the participants will create a collabora-tive virtual work space in order to to build a learning platform from which will benefit other prac-titiners/trainers in the field.
Blended mobility (6 days excluding travel) for 24 adult learners (practitioners with some profes-sional background) - combing virtual preparing with physical mobility. Before achieving physical mobility we want them to be prepared both by accessing that learning platform, and through short training based on curriculum already developed in the project. Basically, they would represent to some extent test groups, to verify the effectiveness of the curriculum.