Multiplier Events

The project includes 2 multiplier events, designed to convey information on the progress of the project and disseminate concrete results to as many relevant actors in the field of training of workers in the field of elderly care.

The event lasted one day and it took place in Craiova, on 16 of April 2019, at Hotel Rexton, Boulevard Carol I.

Besides the classic format or press conference/extended seminar we have included informal debates on elderly care with participation of the public of the event (among the participants we had 20 seniors from Asociatia Pensionarilor Civili Mihai Viteazul and other relevant organisations like Archdiocese of Craiova, Asociatia Vasiliada, Asociatia Dominou, the Intercommunity development association Zona Metropolitana Craiova, ACSMPDR, Asociatia BONECO).

Also, among the participants we had: the Prefecture, Department of Social Assitance of the City Hall, AJPIS-Agentia Judeteana de Prestatii Sociale, County School Inspectorate and mass-media representatives.

E1 took place in the 7th month of implementation, in Craiova, after the curricula had a final format. It hosted 50 relevant stakeholders-policy makers, VET providers, public institutions, NAQ, employers in social services etc, as we mentioned above, in order to raise awareness on the necessity of constant improvement of training curricula, content and formats in line with labor market changes.

Besides these external stakeholders, staff members have attend the event, at plus 2 foreign actors sent by each partner organization (3/country): Joan Ballart, Miriam Cid sent by DEMA, Florence Merlo and Giuseppe Fossi sent by Euroform RFS, Anna Petrova and Penka Stamora sent by Home Hope Ltd.

As a conclusion of this event, we have noticed the openness of the participants regarding the subject, we have appreciated their enthusiasm regarding the good practices shared and the new format of the course curriculum, we have appreciated the support of the authorities that were committed to disseminating the material towards other interested parties. But we can not ignore the notable differences between the systems of organization of services for the elderly from the 4 countries involved, the problems of financing, legislative flexibility, institutional cooperation and accessibility of the elderly, signaled also by those present in the event.

On October 29th of 2019, at the Noble Hall of the Macaya Palace in Barcelona, ​​it was held the presentation day of the STRACOV project materials.

The event was attended by six invited people from Romania, Bulgaria and Italy , in order to collaborate at the dissemination of the project and its results.

There was the participation, too, more of 20 people from various local entities, such as PROBENS, Santa Eulàlia Foundation, the National Coordinator of Pensioners of Catalonia, ONCE (National Organization of the Blind), La Vinya Foundation, the Athenaeus Federation, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​Akelarre, the City Council of Tavèrnoles, ECAS (Catalan Entities of Social Action), Save the Children Catalonia; AFOPA (Grouping of Classrooms for Lifelong Learning for the Elderly), Santa Oliva Residence and Sant Roc Foundation, IES Vic, USOC, as well as collaborators of DEMÀ.

The conference was structured about the following points: Presentation of the project partners; The objectives of the STRACOV project and the activities carried out; the Transnational Curriculum, the E-book and its modules and the interactive platform of the project. Finally, a presentation on reflections on aging was presented. The presentations were in Catalan and a simultaneous translation was offered to European guests.

The comments and the subsequent discussion were quite creative and participatory.